Music: My three favorite bands and musicians at the moment are The Decemberists, Toad the Wet Sprocket and Glen Phillips (of course). I'm really stuck on The Hazards of Love. I don't know why, I just am. My new favorite Toad song is Crowing. I've been listening to it since I was like, five, but just recently I started really liking it. I think my favorite album is Fear, but it might be Dulcinea. I did a little star count and they both came out with 54. Now for Glen Phillips albums, I've always loved Winter Pays for Summer. Of course, I like Mr. Lemons a lot, too. My favorite Glen Phillips song is Waiting. I think. Maybe it's Have a Little Fun With Me. Oh, in Duck and Cover, Glen Phillips mentions the album's name (Winter Pays for Summer)*. Ooh... I've got Blood Pressurize stuck in my head. And True.
Toby Monk: He's the sweetest little guy. I wish I had gotten a picture of him and said, "Parting is such sweet sorrow". But I didn't. Anyway, you're probably wondering who Toby Monk is. Well, I should probably tell you. He's the chipmunk I saved from Mr. Bubbles and Rosey. I named him after Toby Williams and Adrian Monk. Two fictional characters.
Monk Quotes: Over the months, I've made a list of Monk quotes. Now I would like to share them with you.
Well he was stabbed in the aorta. He was gone before he hit the ground.
~ The Coroner, Mr. Monk Goes to the Carnival
I can't believe you're not the craziest man in the room...
~ Sharona, Mr. Monk and the Twelfth Man
There he is! The greatest detective in San Francisco.
~ Sharona, Mr. Monk and the TV Star
Chews or pees on... chews or pees on...
~ Monk, Mr. Monk and the Panic Room
Dog lick hand!
~ Monk, Mr. Monk and the Dog
Adrian, you are more than the love of my life, you are my life.
~ Trudy, Mr. Monk and the End Part II (I think. Might be part I)
~ Trudy, Mr. Monk and the End Part II (I think. Might be part I)
Take care of her.
~ Ethan Rickover, Mr. Monk and the End part II
And my favorite...
Speedy dates, no! No, no, no... that's like Dante's seventh circle of Hell! ♥
~Monk, Mr. Monk Goes to the Theater
Thank you for being so patient and reading this far, and I'll be back tomorrow with some Saraness! Oh, and excuse all mistakes please.
* One way or another, the winter pays for the summer
Won't get what you wanted, but what you got'll be good