Friday, April 12, 2013

Salieri and Victor

I decided I should go into detail about my newest little pets, Salieri and Victor.  They're much bigger than the picture below.  They were only about three days old then, and now they're about a week old.  Ducks grow very quickly.

You might be wondering which is which by now.  Easy problem to solve.  Victor is the left duckling in the picture; Sally is the duckling on right.

I got to take them to class yesterday and the kids loved them.  It's hard not to love those little ducklings with their long beaks, their oily down and their intelligence.

One of the things I debated after all the deaths was if I should continue the Intriguing Animal Act (the only day I ever actually did it was April tenth, 2012 - a year ago Wednesday...).  With two of the most amazing pets in the world gone from the act it seemed impossible.  Henna was the biggest part of the act, but Obviously since she's dead she can't perform anymore, although the Duck Twins might just be able to learn some adorable things.  I'm already teaching them how to come when I call their names.  I still have to see how things work out with Rosey and Sara.  Sara's the most harmless creature ever.  The worst thing she's capable of doing is getting angry.  Rosey, on the other hand, is much more dangerous.  When she sees anything the first thing that come into her head is "food!"  Especially when it comes to ducks, no doubt.

Friday, April 5, 2013

A Little Medley

I shall begin this post by saying that I am sorry for not blogging, and when I did, the posts were dull and short.  At first I was too sick with the flu to write.  Then I was catching up in life.  Then I was busy lazy.  Then Easter came (more on that in a moment).  Now I'm back!

As I said, there would be more on Easter in a moment, so here's how my Easter went...

"It all began on Friday, March 29th.  The day was lovely with all its sunniness and greenness.  'Twas indeed the day Matthew, Margaret and Walter were coming.
"On Saturday, Patrick and Sara came home and Chris and Kari came for quite a while with Beyonca, their friends' two-year-old daughter.  We went to our neighbors' house, then came back to our house to have dinner with Mom and Don.
"Sunday was, of course, Easter.  We had some very special guests, Meghan, Rob and Joshua.  Meghan is my cousin, Rob is her husband and Joshua is their child.  We ate, did some archery and chatted.  Of course different people did different things, but it would take too long to list all the activities.
"Monday was the day Mother and I took the little Newhall family to the car rental place.  We said goodbye and then left them to drive to Margaret's family's house.
"Walter was the most amazing, wonderful baby ever, and I'm very excited to see him again!"

...and that was how my Easter (and visit with Walt) turned out.

Today Mother and Daddy went to the farm store and got some chicken feed for our chickens.  They brought me home a wonderful surprise: two ducklings!  They're black and yellow and their names are Salieri (hopefully a female) and Victor (hopefully a male).  I plan on raising them into show ducks, like what I did with Henna, only she was a show chicken.  After Henna died, it seemed pointless to try to train any more chickens, but I'm excited to see how smart and cute my little ducks become.