Friday, July 12, 2013

Old Rainbowland, New Rainbowland Part 3

I didn't realize how well-loved Old Rainbowland, New Rainbowland was until I posted something different: the reaction was positive, but I believe my Rainbowland posts were missed.

Now, if you haven't read the other two parts, I highly recommend you do.  Part 1 is here and part 2 here.

A few minutes later she (Daisy) walked out of the bathroom and into Kyla and Edward’s room.

Kyla and Edward have their own house now.  I only had the Johnsons and Harps in the same house because in many of my unwritten stories it worked out to be more convenient.

“It’s 7:30!  How can it be late?”

In Rainbowland people usually awaken at 5:30 to 6:30.

“If they find out of my absence, I’m afraid I would be tortured to near death."

This is a Black Rider speaking, and they (the Master) would not torture a Black Rider.  The Master doesn't really care if his Black Riders leave.

“Come on, let me take you to Sever,” she (Daisy) said.  Sever was Kyla’s horse.

Sever is now Ian's horse.

Back at the hospital, Daisy was in room 27.

As far as my knowledge goes, there are no room numbers in Cedar Ridge.  I have no idea why, though.

She had a magazine in one hand and a cup of coffee in the other.

Coffee?  Rainbowlandians do not drink coffee; they drink tea.

Well, that's all I found in chapter 3.  Now if you'll excuse me, I am going off to play with dolls.

Saturday, July 6, 2013

The Big World of Dolls

Besides being a Grammar Nazi, the inventor of Rainbowland, and a lover of animals, I enjoy dolls.  Or, I should more properly say, I thoroughly enjoy dolls.  Here's a list of some of my favorite blogs:

The Toy Box Philosopher

Never Grow Up

Belle's Bulletins

Jane Austen and Unicorns

Doll Diaries

Steampunk Addie

Yes, of course I read non-doll blogs, but about half of my favorite blogs are written by or about dolls.

Now, there are so many brands of dolls out there, but which ones do I like?  American Girl dolls are by far my favorite.  I've spent little bits of 2013 brushing up on my AG knowledge, and now I know almost as much about American Girl as I do grammar!

Carpatina is another high quality brand.  Of their dolls I have Veronika, the Medieval doll, who is very high quality and absolutely stunning.

Hearts for Hearts is another nice brand.  They're the "Girls on the Dresser" in my room, but they come down often, whether it's of my own will or not.  (One of them fell into the turtle's water once so I used my doll knowledge and quickly and gently washed her hair with water and brushed it, and now it's even nicer than before.)

The Les Cheries dolls made by Corolle are excellent little play dolls.  Camille Equestrienne is my doll and I play with her all the time.  She is the perfect size to be a little sister for 18 inch dolls, too.

Kidz 'n' Cats are extremely high quality dolls with 11 points of articulation.  I have Sabine and I play with her very often.

I hope you've enjoyed this post; I should make it longer except I must feed the chickens and ducks.  In case you're wondering about the Rainbowland posts I was writing, I still have more, but I thought a different post would be nice.