Now for the ducks. In April I got two ducks whom I named Salieri and Victor. Now they are grown up and Sally lays eggs for us.
Here is the picture I took of them when they were a few days old. Victor is on the right and Sally is on the left.
And here they are now. Very beautiful ducks, if I do say so myself. They are a bit dirty and messy looking now, but this summer their feathers were sleek and gorgeous and their beaks weren't caked in mud.
This is Victor:
This is Salieri:
They love each other (and me) very much and are definitely inseparable.
I decided to show you a picture of Feisty (outside that cage) and Patrick (inside the cage). Feisty and the two ducks are very good friends: after all, they do live together.
Well, that is all I have to say about my ducks. Again, I hope you all have a lovely Thanksgiving. We shall be driving off to Shedd, Oregon for Thanksgiving in a very short while, so I must hurry up and end this post, as much as I should like to continue writing.