Thursday, November 28, 2013

My Plucky Duckies

Before I write anything about my wonderful ducks, I wish you all a delightful Thanksgiving.  In Rainbowland they have what is called "Day of Thanks," which is their Thanksgiving.  It is always on the 30th of November.

Now for the ducks.  In April I got two ducks whom I named Salieri and Victor.  Now they are grown up and Sally lays eggs for us.

Here is the picture I took of them when they were a few days old.  Victor is on the right and Sally is on the left.

And here they are now.  Very beautiful ducks, if I do say so myself.  They are a bit dirty and messy looking now, but this summer their feathers were sleek and gorgeous and their beaks weren't caked in mud.

This is Victor:

This is Salieri:

They love each other (and me) very much and are definitely inseparable.

I decided to show you a picture of Feisty (outside that cage) and Patrick (inside the cage).  Feisty and the two ducks are very good friends: after all, they do live together.

Well, that is all I have to say about my ducks.  Again, I hope you all have a lovely Thanksgiving.  We shall be driving off to Shedd, Oregon for Thanksgiving in a very short while, so I must hurry up and end this post, as much as I should like to continue writing.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Visit with Walter

Last Friday Mother, Daddy, Patrick and I drove down to California for our yearly visit with our grandchild/nephew, Walter, who turned a year old on October 12th.  I could only write about the adventures, but of course you want to see pictures, so I shall tell the adventures along with the pictures I took.

We went to the beach, and since Walter is always eating (he's a growing boy), he ate the whole way there.

Waving to Aunt Janet (he's the best waver and ball-thrower I know.)

His Cowlick

Matthew, Patrick, Margaret and I climbed up a little cliff-type rock and Grandpa and Walter stayed down on the beach.

This is the view we had from the cliff.

Mama, Grandpa and Walter 

Grandma was sitting with Walter on the blanket while he played with rocks and ate.

Of course our boy needs lots of kisses.

His Beautiful Curls

A horse came by and stopped so Walter might see it.

Once Walter had had enough of the horse, the horse and his rider went down to the water.

Walter and Uncle Patrick

My Doll, Consuelo

Uncle Patrick played guitar for Walter and he enjoyed it very much.

I forgot: he's also the best little clapper.

Walter and the coasters

Monday (our last day there)
Papa, Sad Baby and Mama

And those were our adventures.  I took 375 pictures altogether, but I limited myself to 30 for you to see.  Ah, and we did so much more than the pictures tell, but this post is long enough with the pictures and a bit of writing.  I hope you enjoyed looking at the pictures as much as I enjoyed taking them.