Monday, January 27, 2014

A New Year

It's been over a month since I last blogged, but first there was Christmas, then I was sick for a week, then there was school, and now we have a car predicament and some leaks: and besides, it's a new year.

Every new year entails "New Year's Resolutions," or as I prefer to say, "the stuff I want to do this year."  Those things for me include sewing, blogging and becoming a dancer.  Of course there are more, but those three are the most important.  Let me tell you why:


  • There are plenty of wonderful doll clothes that are easy to make.
  • Liberty Jane sells simple doll clothing for a ridiculous amount of money.
  • I'm convinced I can sew anything this year.  Nothing is too hard for an Adventurer.


  • In 2012 I published 215 posts.  Last year, 2013, I managed to write 27.
  • I feel guilty when I blog only once a month.
  • I'm positive that with lots of Rainbowland stories and pictures of turtles, I can surpass my goal of 100 posts this year.
Becoming a Dancer

  • American Girl's 2014 Girl of the Year is a ballerina.
  • I can almost consider myself graceful. (Behind those long black skirts and flowing dresses is a pair of wide, sausage-toed feet.) 
  • Rainbowland Dancing (the dance I made up for Rainbowland) is so pretty.
I must say, I do have many aspirations this year.  As for if I shall accomplish them, well, we shall just have to wait and see.

I hope you all had a lovely Christmas and New Year, and if not, this sweet little face will cheer you up!

Walter, my adorable nephew