Thursday, October 8, 2015

A Fourth Trip to California

Good morning, my friends. As some of you already know, in September we went to California to visit with my brother, sister-in-law, and two nephews for a few days. We had a lovely time there and on the way back we got to see one of my aunts and my other brother.

 We left on Friday and got there very early Saturday morning, whereupon we went right to sleep. Later on Saturday we went to Morro Rock.

This is Walter.

This is Owen.

Here's my mommy, who was very pleased to be holding her grandson again.

This is my lovely sister-in-law, Margaret.

This is my brother, Matthew.

That's me with Walter.

Here's Mother with Walter.

Here's Daddy with Walter.

We read to the boys a lot the whole time we were there.

Owen loved his grandpa.

And Walter Loved the homemade raisins Grandma brought him.

 On our way home, we stopped at my Aunt Sue's and my brother Patrick's houses.

We had a wonderful time with everyone, and I can't wait to see them again. But, of course, it's nice to be home.

Originally I had called this our third trip to California, but it's really our fourth. I don't know why I thought it was only our third. Perhaps it was because I didn't write about our trip last year, but whatever the reason, this is our fourth trip to California, not third.


  1. Thanks for sharing, Janet. I love seeing all of the photos and hearing about your visit.
