Tuesday, May 7, 2013

A New Friend

Yesterday, while Mother and Daddy were getting dirt for the garden and I was at home doing math, I happened to look out the window and I saw something big and pretty: a barred owl!  Mr. Owl scared me at first, but once I recovered from the shock I knew I had to get some pictures of him to show Mother and Daddy and everyone else.  Last night Mother and I got to see Mr. and Mrs. Owl again; they were kissing each other.  We've had them around since last spring.

Now for some pictures:

The owl looking in my general direction.  He's definitely very friendly.

He would slowly turn his head in different directions.

Once he looked up because of some Steller's Jays.

Maybe he looked up twice.  Nonetheless, he was awfully cute when he lifted his head all the way up.

This was my point of view.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

The Scoop on Rainbowland

What happened to Rainbowland?  The last time I mentioned it was February 27th!  Some very exciting things have happened since then.

Remember how dear Daisy's father, Toby's family and Seth's mother were all killed by a Black Rider?  They caught him during the battle last February/March.  His name is Xavier Earl Alexander and he's one of my best creations yet.  I still love Toby, of course!  Xavier is just new and exciting and a product of my prodigious mind.

To give you an idea of Xavier, I shall describe him.  He has neat dark brown hair and striking blue eyes; he's two inches shorter than Toby.  He was a Black Rider for fourteen years.  In case you're wondering, that's a very long time to be a Black Rider.  His birthday is June 30th; he's turning 33.

Other things have been happening in RL, too.  Daisy, Kyla, Toby and Xavier are preparing to enter The Horse Games this year, which begin July 1st and end July 3rd.  You may start signing up June 1st. The annual Cedar Ridge picnic is July 10th.  All the CR patients, staff and good LOA friends are to be there.

I also have an interesting "Rainbowland Shorthand Guide" for you:

BR - Black Rider
BRH - Black Rider Hunting
CR - Cedar Ridge
CRH - Cedar Ridge Hospital
LOA - Land of Adventure
RL - Rainbowland, Rainbowlandian
THG - The Horse Games (not The Hunger Games.  The Horse Games have nothing to do with The Hunger Games.)