I'm sorry I haven't blogged lately, but as you know, four of my pets died recently. Now, when I wake up in the morning, I check to see if Sara and Scarlet are alive and well. Whenever I go to throw something in the garbage I expect to hear a piercing squeal. At first I have to admit it was nice, but now I'm getting used to it. Two or three days ago I thought I heard Bobby clawing at the window, and on Saturday Mother put his old bed in the laundry room for Raf. It's much more lonely going down to feed the chickens without seeing a bald head and a chicken who doesn't squat for me to pick her up. The wagon and crate and pole we used for games and training are being used for other things or are just lying around. I only have to fill up the pet spray bottle about every other day, even when I spray Sara. I never knew my life was so full of annoying animals until they went and died on me like that. I never knew how important it was to tell a little black guinea pig to shut up and dump food in his bowl. I never knew how important it was to tuck a cat in bed with a towel and sing the Winnie the Pooh theme song to him. I never knew how important this was...Someday, when Henna is too old to perform, Hoppy will take the stage herself, but until then, the two will be working together... I never knew how important it was to stand by a dark cage and spray, spray, spray. I especially miss my Bobby though. He was a big part of my life. Now, because of him, I can't listen to the Toad song "I Will Not Take These Things For Granted." Don't worry, though. I'll continue to get animals throughout my life, as long as it's possible.
Let's now move on to a lighter subject, shall we? Rainbowland is a fairly light subject... usually.
I've added a new character, Rafael le Marre (from a book, though he's nothing like the man in the book), to my stories. As you may have guessed, he's a Black Rider. He has dark brown, slightly wavy hair, bright green eyes and is 6'4". There is a slight pattern with the Black Rider Masters I've civilized. Benedict Jones, 27, caramel brown hair, soft green eyes, 6'2", Toby Williams, 27, black hair, black eyes, 6'6", and Rafael le Marre, 27 (almost 28), dark brown hair, bright green eyes, 6'4" are all 27, go from brown hair and green eyes to black hair and black eyes and then back to brown and green and their height increases and decreases by 2 inches. Oh, and they each get injured twice. Once to get them caught and the other to increase their friendship and trust with Daisy. Mostly I do that to keep it simple and easy to remember. Lately I've also brought out the soldiers a little more. There's a wounded one in the hospital now, instead of Deuce being hurt, but Deuce still hasn't left the stories. If you know Deuce well - meaning you've read most or all my Rainbowland posts - you might be wondering if that's good or not. It is, because Deuce is quite a crucial part of the stories.
I must go now. Writing about Rainbowland has made me want to play it.
Thank you for the blog.