Monday, February 11, 2013

Those Silly Animals

Rocky died a little while ago.  I'm not too sad; I've been expecting it for quite a long time.  First Henna, then Bobby, then Pinkie and now Rocky.  I dearly hope and pray that the other four don't die for some time yet.  If Rosey were to die now - or any time - I don't know what would happen to me.

Remember these?  That was back when I had seven pets.  Back then I didn't expect to lose four and gain one.  Now when I read The Annual Awards Ceremony post,  I just want delete it.  Of course Rocky won the Mellow Award, and of course I loved - and still love - him.  Of course Pinkie won the Speedy Award, and of course he rocked.  Of course Henna won the Personable award, and of course she did it again.  And of course... of course Bobby won the Cool Award, and of course he did nice work!  They still are the greatest pets in the world, too.


  1. I love all of them too. I will pretend reading that didn't bring a couple tears to my eyes.

  2. Pets are great - especially yours!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. It's all right, Chris. Writing it brought a couple tears to my eyes.
    Yes, Mother, pets are great! I like to think that mine rule the pack.
