Thursday, January 12, 2012

We Have a Problem Here!

Like I said in the title, we have a problem here! Rosey does NOT want Henna on her back, and Henna refuses to get on the stick. I've been working with those two so much, I haven't had time to train Bobby. I'm counting on Sara knowing her act perfectly, because I don't think I'll have time to train her. When I'm inside the house, I'm working on flyers and pamphlets. When I'm outside, I have Henna and Rosey in the arena. No matter how hectic it is, I think I'll be able to put on a great show in just 3 days. I kind of have to have a show put together in 3 days, because this month's show and next month's show are booked solid!
I've also got a class today. Thursdays I go to a class at the Mossyrock School. I've got to leave in about an hour. Fortunately, I've got my pets. Yeah, I know, they're the cause of my problems, but if they didn't make me angry, I'd die!

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